Monday, September 17, 2012

Stay Up

Stay up until this hour, 2.56a.m. @,@
What the hell I am thinking?
My heart is tired, so tired.
I need a break, but I seem like don't deserve it.
Be responsible to what you did please. T.T

How dare me, how bad I am.
By building my own happiness on people sadness.
Everyday I am like living in my guilty's world.
Argh...I am just like putting myself in the prison, where I deserve the most.

Can I ignore all the things and having my own selfish life??
Now, 17 sept, one day before stepping into 18.
I'm telling myself, forget everything,
carry on your life with joys and hopes,
with happiness but not with emo, with sad, with guilty.
The past can't be erased, but it can't be returned and correct again too.

There are many other things in your life,
which need you to discover and experience also.
Bury your past,your stains, your scars.
Don't stuck in your past.

Right? Do you agree?


  1. seem so emo?What happen to your past?Stay happy,anythg jz share with me but i think normally wont,, always

  2. Haha...I'm okay la,used to keep it all myself
    just fa xie xia..
    hehe..thx penny <3
