Sunday, December 2, 2012

Shabu-shabu Phobia!!!

I have two times Steamboat dinner on this week!! Lol!!!
It is scary!!!

Friday is my cousin birthday, so we went to 好吃得 to have steamboat dinner.
There are BBQ and soup style steamboat, but I am really lazy to cook.
Hahaha! So I just sit and wait my sister cook for me!

Wait and wait :P

Force kids to take photo with me :P

He is playing game! haha

My cousin :)

Playing change face game! See the next photo!

Scary??!! hahahaha
Second game!

Wakaka!!! I look like a nerd when my organ on the kid face! hahaha
Quite handsome actually.
The second time of steamboat dinner is because of FREE OF CHARGE!!! hohoho!!At Momo Shabushabu!

Rotating and rotating!

My soup :)

The prok slide!!
I have no idea how many pork slide I ate on the night!hahaha!
Hear that my course are going to have a 庆功宴 at Shabu shabu too.
and my friend are going to treat us eat Shabu shabu too.
And I want eat Shabu shabu with my dearest Yen chin too!
Lol.. My DECEMBER is full of SHABU SHABU  u know!!!!!!!!!!

My 血管 will 阻塞 if I eat so much pork in one month!!!
I need to control and reject some already... haiz, so hard to make decision.
Why shabu shabu is so famous??!!!!
OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. OMG...when ur face change with the kid,the kid look like wai chun!hahahaha...

  2. Hahaha!! O!!!!!!!!!! I keep thinkign look liek who!!! Yuan lai is wai chun!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!
    Yuan laime n wai chun look alike..hahahaha
